Ordre des Compagnons du beaujolais

The Compagnons

Our story

In the period following World War II, the idea of creating a companionship in Beaujolais was born in Liergues in 1947, when all the efforts undertaken between the two wars to promote wines around registered origin designations had been wiped out.

Throughout more than 70 years that has passed since then, the founding fathers of the companionship were joined by many Compagnons from all over the world, sharing the same ideal and love for the land of Beaujolais and its products.

All these Compagnons have not ceased to defend and promote the Beaujolais vineyards and country, not only in our region, but also throughout the national territory, and well beyond, throughout the world, proclaiming their famous motto « VUIDONS LES TONNEAUX »!

To be a « Compagnon du Beaujolais » in everyday’s life is a state of mind and a passion for our territory! They are also young or older friends, rooted family, present memories or simply a dream of the future.

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